Dear Advertiser,
The Cortland News is a free community newspaper that is 100% advertiser supported. Our paper is subscription free and direct mailed to 4400 homes and businesses in the City of Cortland and to a large area of Bazetta Township. The Cortland News is printed every three weeks—seventeen times a year.
Our paper averages 32 pages with 8 pages of full color and is directed to the City of Cortland and surrounding area families with valuable community information from the schools, churches and local government. We are chocked full of interesting articles about our local citizens and businesses. You will even find an advertisers index on page 2 of each issue. We estimate that our readership exceeds 10,000 people. The Cortland News prides itself on being “The Good News Newspaper.” Consequently our paper is very successful. Our readers tell us how much they look forward to its arrival, and enjoy reading it from cover to cover.
If you are interested in marketing directly to over 10,000+ readers in the City of Cortland and surrounding areas then you should definitely explore this avenue. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of our paper and our low advertising rates. In addition, we publish our paper in its entirety, including all advertisements, on the Internet. You may view the paper by going to The best news is there is absolutely no additional charge for this service!
I invite you to please consider this great opportunity today and give me a call so we may discuss your advertising needs further. I can be reached on my cell at 330-565-2637 or email me at
Jim Woofter
Publisher/General Manager